Welcome to the Online Application Tool of the LMU Doctoral Program Buddhist Studies
In order to apply for the Doctoral Program in Buddhist Studies, please register first. A validation email will be sent to your account which will allow you full access to the application tool itself.
In the application process, you will be asked to provide information i.a. on
- your person,
- language qualifications,
- your academic career,
- your academic work up to date,
- the research you plan to conduct in Munich.
Please be as specific and detailed in your answers as possible.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us: buddhist-studies@lrz.uni-muenchen.de
Übrigens: Ihre Online-Bewerbung können Sie natürlich gerne auch auf Deutsch ausfüllen.
Before applying, please read our homepage carefully: http://www.en.buddhismus-studien.uni-muenchen.de
Apply now! (You have to be logged in to start an application. If you have already started an application, you will find it in the menu at "My applications" after logging in.)