Welcome to ConVeY!

logoThank you for your interest in a PhD position at the DFG Research Training Group on Continuous Verification of CYber-Physical Systems (ConVeY).

Networks, computers, sensors, and actuators are increasingly integrated into cyber-physical systems; software systems that interact with the physical world and must cope with its continuous behavior. An increasing number of cyber-physical systems operate in safety-critical domains. Examples are autonomous vehicles, robotic surgery, traffic control, human-robot collaboration, and smart grids. For this reason, their design and deployment should be accompanied by a formal check of correct behavior.

The Research Training Group on Continuous Verification of CYber-Physical Systems (ConVeY) conducts research in three areas:

  • Robust System Design. We develop techniques to guarantee correct behavior under changes in plant parameters, under certain classes of perturbations including sensor measurement errors, and under uncertainties introduced by the implementation platform. In particular we investigate the design of controllers that are robust by construction against those changes.

  • Evolving Systems. We investigate novel construction and verification techniques that adapt to offline changes in the specification, the hardware, or the implementation of control software, and reuse efforts from earlier stages as much as possible.

  • On-the-fly Synthesis and Verification. We develop techniques for the online verification and synthesis of controllers that operate—and provide a correctness guarantee—only within a given time horizon. Repeated execution of this procedure, combined with availability of a fail-safe strategy, ensures safe operation.

ConVeY is a joint research training group between TU Munich and LMU Munich. We offer a strong academic environment and a comprehensive qualification program to our PhD students.

Students are funded with a full position for 3 years, with a potential extension. Depending on the research topic and the student’s background, students may have to attend compensating course work.


  • Excellent Master of Science in computer science, mathematics, or a related field.
  • Very good skills in the English language
  • Strong background in at least one of the fields relevant for research at ConVeY:
    • Control theory
    • Formal methods in computer science
    • Machine learning

    Experience is ideally shown through a thesis, seminar papers, or scientific publications. Alternatively, excellent grades in a respective Master’s course.

  • Strong intrinsic motivation with an interest in scientific collaboration.
  • Mathematical skills are highly appreciated.

Application Timeline

  • March 3: Application deadline for prospective students.
  • March 10: Selected candidates are invited to virtual interviews in the week of March 17.
  • March 24: Notification of final decision/contracts
  • The planned start of employment is July 1, 2025.


To apply to ConVeY, you have to create an account first. You will receive a confirmation e-mail with an activation link.
Please check your Spam folder for this.
After you activated your account, you can use this application link.


  • By clicking the button “Save and Submit”, you officially submit your PhD application. After submission, it is no longer possible to make changes.
  • The application form only submits complete applications.
  • Always save your application to make sure the data is stored.
  • After submission, you can download a PDF of your application.
  • File uploads are limited to 5 MB and should not be encrypted.